Join Cincom, a leader in object-oriented technology solutions and tap into our expertise in objects, components, the web and distributed computing.
We want to show the world how efficient Smalltalk has a […]
The Store source-code versioning system has undergone a significant transformation over the last three years and is rapidly maturing into a truly industrial strength system for teams working in Cincom ObjectStudio® and VisualWorks®.
Our consultants know the small, impossible-to-document steps that can exponentially increase the value you receive from Cincom Smalltalk and ensure that you’re taking full advantage of the power in each new release.
A break down of some of the advantages Seaside has over Ruby on Rails into a set of bullet points.
幸運か運命か、はたまた、転送されたeメール、グーグル検索、郵便物などのおかげなのか・・・あなたは、今現在この Web ページをご覧頂き Smalltalk を知るチャンスを得ました!
ワークフローの停滞のプレッシャーを感じていますか? 多くのアプリケーションを少ない時間で開発しなければならない苦悩をかかえていますか? Cincom ObjectStudio® がヘルプします。
Cincom Professional Services can help you get MORE out of what you already have.
Cincom VisualWorks® is a Smalltalk Integrated Development Environment that speaks Windows, Mac, Linux and other UNIX platforms.
The videos from the conference are complete!
Bringing Cincom and Cincom Smalltalk™ to the good people of France
Bringing Cincom and Cincom Smalltalk™ to the people of the United Kingdom
Dynamic Languages and Cost-Conscious Software Development the Theme Again
Continued Focus on Dynamic Languages and Cost-Conscious Software Development
Focus on Dynamic Languages and Cost-Conscious Software Development