“The Cloud” This and “The Cloud” That …

投稿日: 2010年11月4日, 投稿者: Jeremy Jordan

You’ve heard about it—the cloud. The image it evokes may show it peacefully floating high above the cares of the world. But what does this have to do with your business?

Cincom Smalltalk in the Cloud

Cincom Smalltalk in the Cloud

You’ve heard about it—the cloud. The image it evokes may show it peacefully floating high above the cares of the world. But what does this have to do with your business?

Well, the image is not too far from the truth. “The cloud” actually does help bring a sense of peace and security to many businesses. It allows you to rise above infrastructure costs and focus on what matters most – your core business and strategies for serving your customers.  Learn more.

What exactly is “the cloud”?

It’s a metaphor for a global network that was first used in reference to the telephone network. Now it’s commonly used to represent the internet.

You’re probably in the cloud right now!

Software as a Service (SaaS) is software hosted by a third party and made available via the cloud (the internet). For instance, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Digg and Del.icio.us are all services that are running on a cloud. If you use any of these (or similar) services, you’re already in the cloud!

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